Friday, February 8, 2013

What is a Bait Dog?

Bait Dog - The Definition

Posted by: N Gilbert

I have to say, as a true Bully Soldier, the truth should never be too much for a real animal soldier. It's not about shock value, it's about exposing the truth and opening eyes, letting people know what's really going on. This is a war we're fighting and the reality of it is grim. Those who pick and choose what truths they see, aren't truly in it for the animals, in my opinion. Sometimes you have to swallow your emotions, for the greater good of the animals, because their lives are more important than our feelings. So suck it up, Soldiers! Because this IS the reality we are dealing with, in this war.

People ask me this, all of the time, so I am going to cover it again here. Because, it still amazes me how many people are ignorant about this topic.

What is a Bait Dog

A bait dog is basically a punching bag for game (fighting) dogs. Except we all know that dogs don't punch, they bite and tear. Dog fighters use bait dogs to let their game dogs practice mutilating another dog, without being harmed in the process. To insure their dogs aren't damaged, they will either use duct tape to tape the bait dog's mouth shut, or break out their teeth so the bait dog can't fight back. They also either, put them in a pit, or tie them to a tree or pole, so that they can't get away from the game dogs. And I did say dogs, plural, because they generally unleash several dogs on one bait dog at the same time. It makes the game dogs more aggressive, since there is competition.

To me, this about the most horrific form of animal abuse there is. I know that's hard to weigh, because there are so many forms of abuse, but using bait dogs is right up there at the top. The mass majority of bait dogs don't survive, and obviously suffer horrible deaths, spending their last moments in excruciating pain and are scared to death, before it comes. The ones who do survive, are maimed and scarred for life, both physically and emotionally. I have rescued bait dogs, some who hadn't been used yet, and a very few who survived being used. I have to tell you, it's the saddest thing you'll ever see, looking into the soul of a dog who has just been rendered helpless and defenseless, and mutilated by his own kind, at the hand of a human. I have seen these dogs make amazing recoveries and be able to transition into a somewhat normal life. The most famous example of this is Oogy, I'm sure many of you are well familiar with him. If you are not, you need to get his book "Oogy: The Dog Only A Family Could Love" and read up. It is truly an amazing and heart wrenching story. Very motivating too, I must say. If you read some of these books, you will understand why so many of us are so passionate in our fight to save Bullies and stop dog fighting.

A bait dog can be any dog. It could be your dog. Although they (the monsters who use them) prefer to use non-aggressive or submissive Pit Bulls, they will easily use anything they can get for free. When they get Pits who won't fight, or don't fight well, they use them for bait dogs. They are well known for stealing other people's pet Bullies as well. They will take them right out of your yard or fence if they can. But, they will also take any other dog they can get their hands on. When it comes down to it, they need fur, flesh, blood and meat to replicate a dog fight, so anything with all of that is fair game. I have gone in on rescues where we found a Golden Retriever, a Dobie, a GSD, a couple of Chows, a Lab mix, and a small Benji-like dog, who were all to be used as bait. The Golden belong to a neighbor of the dog fighter, and had disappeared a couple of days prior. You can imagine how grateful they were to get him back unscathed. So yes, any dog is a risk of being a bait dog.

Dogs are also used as bait for hunting bears, coyotes and other predatory animals. They even use them as shark bait, but that is whole other topic right there. If people really knew what was going on out there, so many more of them would stand up and do something. That's why it is my job, and yours, to educate them and get them to open their eyes. So they will wake up, get their head out of the sand and stand with us, in our fight to make a difference and change things. This has got to be stopped. The sub-humans who do this must be punished harshly for their actions, not slapped on the wrist, as was Sick vick. We are the only hope and protection these abused animals have against these monsters of our own species. We must stand up for them, and fight back against these abusers. We are the voice of the voiceless and we will not back down, nor will we be silenced or go away....ever! Never Surrender, Never Give Up! They are counting on us......



  1. What can we do the stop this sick thing from happening? Is the law doing enough to people who do this?

    1. brooklynBrad: I think the most important thing to do to prevent this from happening is taking the proper precautions in protecting our pets. ALWAYS supervise them, even if they are behind your fenced in yard. NEVER put a dog up on Craigslist, especially as a free dog, know your surroundings, there's so many things to help prevent this type of incident from happening. As far as the law is concerned, it really all depends on the judge who is doing the ruling. Some judges are hard core animal lovers while others could give a fig and just give a slap on the wrist punishment to the offenders. There are MANY petitions on Care2, Causes, etc. that help to stop this type of abuse in the USA as well as other countries as well. Will we ever get through to the people and end this abuse for good? We can only hope so. ~NG

  2. hi hmm I LOVE dogs and the moment I saw this SICK, SICK thing I just started crying I am only 11 but when I am a olderi want to work for dogs still now I WANT to work for hope for paws and other per things hope u can get back to me as soon as pooisebal thx

  3. This made me cry. I hope the dog was rescued. It makes me feel sick. And to think if these dogs know if they survive the day, it starts all over the next one. UGH! I'm crying again.

  4. i feel utterly devastated. i'd never heard of dog baiting before. it's monstrous, absolutely monstrous

  5. hi im 12 and cant believe what these horrible monsters do to the poor dogs who did nothing to deserve this, my choc lab has just given birth to 12 puppies and now im definitely not letting them go to any stranger. this made me cry and I still cant stop, you have to tell me how to help please I don't want this to go on any further,

    1. Why are you allowing your lab to have puppies?!

    2. Good grief, Bryan. Read the post. mofie is 12. S/he is not the responsible decision maker. And mind your own business.

  6. Another reason to spay and neuter your pets. Unwanted animals given away for free can become bait dogs. Sickening.
    I realize this blog is about baiting, but I'd like to add that beagles are used in animal testing quite legally here in the USA everyday. Talk about torture...

  7. This broke my heart! The thought of all the pain and terror these poor dogs go through. That someone could take my Barkley and hurt him like that makes me sick. I can't believe how disgusting people are. I don't understand.

  8. I know a dog that the was a bait dog. He is a red nose pitbull named Red. He is the SWEETEST dog ever. My land lords son rescued him. Red has made an amazing recovery. They still don't want to expose home to other dogs yet but he is great with all people including groups and children.

  9. I know a dog that the was a bait dog. He is a red nose pitbull named Red. He is the SWEETEST dog ever. My land lords son rescued him. Red has made an amazing recovery. They still don't want to expose home to other dogs yet but he is great with all people including groups and children.

  10. I do all I can. On facebook we have on line yard sales. People sell furniture or give things for free, including DOGS!!!!! I write in the comment area to this person to check out the people and get their information. Home address, cell phone#. Verify their name and address. Look at their drivers license and check out their address. This is your loving pet, you shouldn't just hand him over to a stranger before checking them them out. We bought a dog and we still stay in touch and see the puppies our dog had.

  11. I'm shocked at how many people who are not aware of this horrible cruelty i recently adopted a pit bull who had been used as a bait dog i shared your article and page to my Facebook to raise awareness

  12. I believe my terrier mix was a bait dog. I got her when she was three years old. She was found on the streets of Douglasville, Georgia very beat up, sick, and pregnant with 8 puppies. After her puppies were born and adopted out, I adopted my girl. We had a rough beginning and she bit me three times the first week I had her. She was very difficult to socialize and train. Due to a mast cell cancer diagnosis --stage 3---(xrays) it was discovered that she had two bullets in her as well. :-(((
    She is 10 years old now and the love of our lives. She is an AKC good citizen recipient, but still will fight any dog that runs toward her or is not on a leash and approaches her. When I take her to a dog park the owners of the other dogs study her and her temperament and encourage me to let my dog join the others, but before you know, there is a fighting problem and we have to intervene. She obviously wants to be involved in the play but does not know how to play "nice." I just can't psychologically get her beyond this point. Do you have any ideas??

  13. Do you think my dog could have been a bait dog?

  14. May I use your photo in my petition to ban the sale of free animals on Facebook?

  15. I have a dog I found wandering the streets scarred up and starving. His teeth appear to be shaved down and some missing. He loves people interaction but seems so afraid when my dog gets around him. I have tried to contact many pit bull rescues but no one has any space. I cant keep him and I'm in desperate need of help. Any recommendations?? I am in the Houston area but willing to travel if not too far to make sure he goes to the best home possible.

  16. I have a dog I found wandering the streets scarred up and starving. His teeth appear to be shaved down and some missing. He loves people interaction but seems so afraid when my dog gets around him. I have tried to contact many pit bull rescues but no one has any space. I cant keep him and I'm in desperate need of help. Any recommendations?? I am in the Houston area but willing to travel if not too far to make sure he goes to the best home possible.

  17. I think our dog has been stolen and used as a bait dog she has recently dissapeared very unusal for her as she has anxiety theres a few things that dont make me think shes just run away she was there before i went to work i come home to find her gone and a dead joey about 1 metre away from my gate the joey had a missing front foot we found the front paw in my back yard it was obivously a distraction for my older dog so they could get my missy its maken me feel sick n worried as noone has seen her i really hope im wrong but i dont think i am 😢

  18. I think our dog has been stolen and used as a bait dog she has recently dissapeared very unusal for her as she has anxiety theres a few things that dont make me think shes just run away she was there before i went to work i come home to find her gone and a dead joey about 1 metre away from my gate the joey had a missing front foot we found the front paw in my back yard it was obivously a distraction for my older dog so they could get my missy its maken me feel sick n worried as noone has seen her i really hope im wrong but i dont think i am 😢

  19. Well, it’s a nice one, I have been looking for. Thanks for sharing such informative stuff.

  20. Find these despicable people, knock their teeth out and the them to a post. Let their hungry dogs tear these vicious humans apart, video it and blast it on the internet. Let these guys know that what they dish out needs will be returned.

  21. I have a 2 year-old dog who came to me with his teeth ground down when he was 8 months old. I suspect he was abused and waiting to be used as a bait dog. He was scared and tended toward being mean at first, and I'll never trust him 100% around new people, but he's pretty sweet now. I am writing a short story about his experience. Thank you for this article and your good work.

  22. I have a 2 year-old dog who came to me with his teeth ground down when he was 8 months old. I suspect he was abused and waiting to be used as a bait dog. He was scared and tended toward being mean at first, and I'll never trust him 100% around new people, but he's pretty sweet now. I am writing a short story about his experience. Thank you for this article and your good work.

  23. there is no dog fighting problem in Panama city to Pensacola,

  24. I rescued a bait dog! She is phenomenal! The number of scars she has is disgusting! She has one on her left hindquarter wher her flesh was torn from her body and her hair has never grown back. It's ok, because she sleeps snuggled up tight against me, she knows she is safe and will never have to fight for anything again!She wears a crown here!


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