Friday, November 30, 2012

Phoenix's Law!

County Lawmakers Urge NYS Legislature to Enact 'Phoenix's Law.'

By: N Gilbert

BUFFALO, NY (WKBW)- Following a brutal case of animal cruelty, the Erie County Legislature is calling on state lawmakers to enact 'Phoenix's Law'.
This new legislation is named after a Jack Russell Terrier puppy that was intentionally set on fire in Buffalo early this month. Thursday, the Erie County Legislature unanimously approved a resolution to encourage state lawmakers to raise the level of felony for animal torture to "more accurately reflect the brutality of the crime".
"It seems like every few weeks, you pick up the paper or watch a news station and see something egregious done to animals," said Erie County Legislator Terrence McCracken. "What this resolution would ask is for the state assembly and the senate to get together and take a hard look at the punishments that go with these crimes."
The state legislature will resume session in January. Mccracken says in the next few weeks he will be reaching out to state lawmakers in hopes of receiving more support for the measure, including the governor.

Our thoughts: After what little Phoenix endured, this is the least they can do for him. The best thing is to start punishing the animal abusers to the FULL FORCE of the law, not just some slap on the wrist punishment of a $30.00 fine or community service. If judges would start giving these pieces of trash proper punishments, MAYBE things would stop, because there would be more of a "if I do this, this will happen to me" type of thing. Animals need to start being looked at as more than just a piece of property or possession. They have NO voice, only we can make a difference for them!


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